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The Mobile Phone Accessible Services System (MOPASS )

The Protocol for connecting businesses and services with Smartphone Users

What can a MOPASS do for me?
MOPASS WRAP & RAP: Connect your business with the local community and your local community with your business and allow the public to post both remote and walk-in requests directly into you business. The requests shows up on computer screens and television screens. You can them communicate with them directly and in real time through your MOPASS. This speeds up your production process and reduce time and labour cost and prevcent tieing up your business phone line or having your customer standing up in long lines....
APPOINTMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM: Set and manage your appointments. Send out Daily Appointment Reminders. Surely you may prefer to be old school and just call up your appointees remind them about the apointments they have with your business but blasting them out to their cellphones and emails morning automatically through your MOPASS service is just too easy to miss, just as easy as it is to make them through your MOPASS.
Accessing Services: We may not all agree with the idea of Smartphones being able to do so much, and maybe they shouldnt be here but they are here to stay and that is where most folks will spend their time so why not allow your customers to use what is already in their hands to access the services they need from your business. That could come in handy
MOPASS Business Management System: MOPASS BMS organizes and managesyour business. It puts everything into perspective so that you can login anytime and access any useful information about your business for when crutial inforpation is needed to make decisions...
Your MOPASS Smart Business Card is your referral card that circulates in the system and is sent from Smartphones to Smartphones and is stored in the Smartphone Users Card Wallet, which gives everyone the option to store it ON THE SCREEN OF THEIR SMARTPHONES. This means that Smartphone Users will have your Smart Business Card PERMANENTLY, since it is stored in their card wallet they can access it at anytime from any where and send it to anyone, anywhere in the world. You can then communicate with all your cardsavers anytime you want.
PROMOTIONAL TOOLS: Mount flyers to the web and conduct EMAIL BLAST AND TEXT BLAST. You can setup your own advertizing campaigns and submit referal pays and/or distribution insentives for your recipientss to see. Basicall you can set your promotional goals and conduct your own social engineering and advertising campaign and fullfil all your promotional goals through your MOPASS CARD.
MOPASS IS YOUR WEBMASTER: You can post anything online at anytime. Your MOPASS creates your website and put it online for you without the need to purchase a hosting package and a domain. It smartly selects the contents from your system that needs to be on your website and creates one for you. This is not just any type of webiste but a very high-end professional website that is created on a mobile system platform, properly coded AND SEARCH ENGINE FRIENDLY and is absolutely visible on the internet. Your website gets updated immediately based on the current activities occuring
DIGITAL PRODUCTS EXHIBITION TELEVISION CHANNELS: Advertise your products to your customers. It is certain that people will buy less when they see less and buy more when they see more. How about the idea of showing your products to your customers while they are there, and do so in the most compelling way.
ONSITE PAYMENT PROCESSING SYSTEM: Allows you to collect money on from your customer's Debit and Credit Card when you are in the fields and need to charge your customers and they do not have enough actual cash to cover what's being billed.
All rights reserved M.O.P.A.S.S Corporation
Call or click to call (786)975-4659
The B5 Community Short Definition

There will never be any advertizing more powerful than person to person referral. Perhaps it is because it is more intimate, more trusted and therefore more believable. True networking starts first with people who know each other and then extends to people who they know and the other people dont know but the other people who they dont know also have other people those people dont know and it goes on and on. in the MOPASS REFERRAL environment we call this B5 (Building by broadening better business). Therefore, the B5 Community is The MOPASS Person to Person Referal System and the way things are done inside this community
MOPASS is the system setup to handle and manage these referrals within the B5 Community.

A strike is a systematic action generated Through MOPASS Referral System about a business through phone calls, experiences, or transaction either with a customer, potential client/customer or a MOPASS AGENT.
A strike is the opposite of a referral and is likely negative. The strike is meant to warn the public against doing business with that person or business. The longer a strike stays active the more it spreads publicly. To remove a strike from our database call the number above so we can review it. If we decide to removed the strike there will be a processing fee

We Inform the public Every business that does business with the public is subject to scrutiny and reviews by our system weither or not a business owner is a MOPASS CARD holder. Any call we make to any business is a review record since this might be our only chance to learn anything about that business. The way you talk to customers or other buisness people is very important and will be revelant to the B5 Community. Any matter that would or could concern a potential customer is a relevant subject matter and as long as this is so we will include those matters in the way we score our strikes. Everything counts. Any business or person doing business that fails to keep their word or honor agreenemts or arrangements or appointments without the propper recources will be strikeable. We cannot concieve of any one who wants to do business with any individual who fail to honor their words. It is our commitment to inform the public about people who conduct business in that way...
A customer service is a definite issue
We are smart enough to know not to seperate service from business since a lot of businesses is about service. Our system and referrals are too intimate to leave open a situation where referred persons can feel that referrals done through our system was a mistake or a disappointment
For example, An auto mechanics shop who swindles their clients is a matter of concern to the B5 Community. We will put out a strike against such a business for the public to know. That strike will remain active until we remove it. We cannot take a person' s business license since we did not issue it but we can make recommendations against such a licenses. We intend for our system to be effective in warning the public about bad businesses just as we are motivated in informing them about good businesses through our referral system. It is an equal effort on both sides. We could not establish a true referral system without a strike review.
The best way to go is to get a MOPASS CARD, use its tools and services to develope your customer base support and serve your customers right. You cannot get a strike when you have a MOPASS CARD because they system takes care of issues in a different way when you are a MOPASS CARD HOLDER than when you are a person just doing business in the public without a referral title.
All rights reserved MOPASS CORP. - Created by Delroy Young